ENR Mountain States Announces 2014 Best Projects Winners
ENR Mountain States is pleased to announce the winners of its 2014 Best Projects competition in the region, which includes Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.
A panel of eight judges from all areas of the industry—architects, GCs and engineers—selected winners in each of categories. The judges also selected a number of merit winners and awarded ties in some categories. This is our 14th year for the project awards, which are detailed below. In addition to the awards listed, we will present safety awards to several deserving projects, and one project in each area (Intermountain and Colorado/Plain States) will win top honors as the Best Overall, along with some judges’ special recognitions. Those winners will be announced soon, so stay tuned.
The awards are split into two areas (Intermountain and Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States), to correspond with their respective awards events. They are arranged by category below. Projects will be covered in more detail in the October issue of ENR Mountain States, and the winners honored at two breakfast awards events in the last week of October. (See details about those here on our website).
If you have questions, please e-mail me (Mark Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, ENR Mountain States) at mark.shaw@mhfi.com.
Congratulations to all of the winners!A panel of eight judges from all areas of the industry—architects, GCs and engineers—selected winners in each of categories. The judges also selected a number of merit winners and awarded ties in some categories. This is our 14th year for the project awards, which are detailed below. In addition to the awards listed, we will present safety awards to several deserving projects, and one project in each area (Intermountain and Colorado/Plain States) will win top honors as the Best Overall, along with some judges’ special recognitions. Those winners will be announced soon, so stay tuned.
The awards are split into two areas (Intermountain and Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States), to correspond with their respective awards events. They are arranged by category below. Projects will be covered in more detail in the October issue of ENR Mountain States, and the winners honored at two breakfast awards events in the last week of October. (See details about those here on our website).
If you have questions, please e-mail me (Mark Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, ENR Mountain States) at mark.shaw@mhfi.com.
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Denver Union Station Transit Improvements, Denver
Entry submitted by: Kiewit
Contractor/Design-Builder: Kiewit
Lead Design Firms: AECOM & SOM
Owner/Developer: DUSPA
Merit: MAX Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System, Fort Collins, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Ditesco
Contractor: Concrete Express Inc. (CEI)
Lead Design Firm: Michael Baker International
Owner/Developer: City of Fort Collins
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Salt Lake International Airport Runway 16L/34R Pavement Rehabilitation, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Granite Construction
Contractor: Granite Construction
Lead Design Firm: Jviation
Owner/Developer: Salt Lake International Airport
Merit: Sugar House Streetcar (The S-Line), Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Utah Transit Authority
Contractor: Stacy & Witbeck Inc.
Lead Design Firm: HDR Engineering Inc.
Owner/Developer: Utah Transit Authority
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
No entries in this category.
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Thanksgiving Point Museum of Natural Curiosity, Lehi, Utah
Entry submitted by: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: FFKR Architects
Owner/Developer: Thanksgiving Point Institute
Government/Public Buildings
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Byron G. Rogers Federal Office Building Modernization, Denver
Entry submitted by: Mortenson Construction
Contractor: Mortenson Construction
Lead Design Firms: HOK/Bennett Wagner Grody
Owner/Developer: General Services Administration
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: U.S. District Federal Courthouse, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Thomas Phifer & Partners
Owner/Developer: General Services Administration
Green Project
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Powerhouse Energy Campus at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo.
Entry submitted by: The Neenan Co.
Contractor/Design-Builder: The Neenan Co.
Lead Design Firm: The Neenan Co.
Owner/Developer: Powerhouse Energy Campus
Merit: University of Colorado Boulder Student Recreation Center Renovation and Expansion, Boulder, Colo.
Entry submitted by: The RMH Group
Contractor: Saunders Construction
Lead Design Firm: Davis Partnership PC
Owner/Developer: University of Colorado Boulder
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Energy Innovation Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Entry submitted by: Battelle Energy Alliance
Contractor: Ormond Builders Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Plan One/Architects
Owner/Developer: REL Facilities LLC
Merit: CSHQA Boise Office, Boise
Entry submitted by: CSHQA
Contractor: Jordan-Wilcomb Construction
Lead Design Firm: CSHQA
Owner/Developer: 2nd and Broad LLC
Health Care
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Lone Tree Medical Offices, Lone Tree, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Contractor: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Lead Design Firm: Davis Partnership PC
Owner/Developer: Kaiser Permanente
Merit: Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center NICU & PICU Relocation, Renovation and Expansion, Denver
Entry submitted by: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Perkins+Will
Owner/Developer: HCA Inc.
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Utah State Hospital, Provo, Utah
Entry submitted by: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: FFKR Architects
Owner/Developer: Utah DFCM
Merit: Primary Children's Hospital Sophie's Place & Forever Young Zone, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: MHTN Architects
Contractor: Jacobsen Construction
Lead Design Firm: MHTN Architects
Owner/Developer: Primary Children's Hospital
Higher Education/Research
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Kittredge West and Kittredge Central Residence Halls, Boulder, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Kiewit Building Group
Contractor: Kiewit Building Group
Lead Design Firm: 4240 Architecture
Owner/Developer: University of Colorado Boulder
Merit: Casper College Music Building, Casper, Wyo.
Entry submitted by: MOA ARCHITECTURE
Contractor: Groathouse Construction
Owner/Developer: Casper College
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: University of Utah Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Edwards Daniels Architects
Owner/Developer: State of Utah
Merit: Salt Lake Community College Center for Arts and Media, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Big-D Construction
Contractor: Big-D Construction
Lead Design Firm: GSBS Architects
Owner/Developer: Salt Lake Community College/Utah DFCM
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Pecos Street Bridge Over I-70 Bridge Replacement, Denver
Entry submitted by: Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
Contractor: Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
Lead Design Firm: Wilson & Co. Inc., Engineers & Architects
Owner/Developer: Colorado Dept. of Transportation
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: St. George Boulevard Interchange at Milepost 8, St. George, Utah
Entry submitted by: Horrocks Engineers
Contractor: Wadsworth Brothers
Lead Design Firm: Wilson & Co. Inc. Engineers & Architects
Owner/Developer: Utah Dept. of Transportation
Interiors/Tenant Improvement
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Eaglecrest High School Renovations, Centennial, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Contractor: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Lead Design Firm: RTA Architects
Owner/Developer: Cherry Creek School District
Merit: UBS Office Build-Out, Denver
Entry submitted by: Swinerton Builders
Contractor: Swinerton Builders
Lead Design Firm: Verderame Cale
Owner/Developer: CBRE (Owner/Developer’s Rep. for UBS)
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner (tie): Backcountry Corporate Headquarters, Park City, Utah
Entry submitted by: Method Studio Inc.
Contractor: United Contractors
Lead Design Firm: Method Studio Inc.
Owner/Developer: Backcountry
Winner (tie): Wasatch Advisors, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Method Studio Inc.
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Method Studio Inc.
Owner/Developer: Wasatch Advisors
Merit: C7 Data Center, Bluffdale, Utah
Entry submitted by: ajc architects
Contractor: Big-D Construction
Lead Design Firm: ajc architects
Owner/Developer: C-7 Data Centers
K-12 Education
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Idalia School District Replacement School, Idalia, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Contractor: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Lead Design Firm: Wold Architects and Engineers
Owner/Developer: Idalia School District RJ-3
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner (tie): Hartvigsen K-12 Special Needs School, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: ajc architects
Contractor: Hughes General Contractors Inc.
Lead Design Firm: ajc architects
Owner/Developer: Granite School District
Winner (tie): Vista Education Campus, Farmington, Utah
Entry submitted by: Wadman Corp.
Contractor: Wadman Corp.
Lead Design Firm: MHTN Architects
Owner/Developer: Davis School District
Merit: Butler Middle School, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Hughes General Contractors Inc.
Contractor: Hughes General Contractors Inc.
Lead Design Firm: VCBO Architecture
Owner/Developer: Canyons School District
Landscape/Urban Development
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
No entries in this category.
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Lions Park Transit Hub and CRP Trail Project, Moab, Utah
Entry submitted by: Horrocks Engineers
Contractor: Flatiron Construction Corp.
Lead Design Firm: Horrocks Engineers
Owner/Developer: Grand County, Utah
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Bal Seal Engineering, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Bryan Construction Inc.
Contractor: Bryan Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: CSNA Architects
Owner/Developer: Pauling Properties
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner (tie): eBay Salt Lake City Data Center, South Jordan, Utah
Entry submitted by: DPR Construction
Contractor: DPR Construction
Lead Design Firm: Winter Street Architects
Owner/Developer: eBay Inc.
Winner (tie): Scentsy Inc. Corporate Campus, Meridian, Idaho
Entry submitted by: CTA Architects Engineers
Contractor: ESI Inc.
Lead Design Firm: CTA Inc.
Owner/Developer: Scentsy Inc.
Merit: Uinta Brewery Expansion, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Hughes General Contractors Inc.
Contractor: Hughes General Contractors Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Vanzeben Architecture
Owner/Developer: Uinta Brewing Co.
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Mercury Payment Systems, Durango, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Dekker/Perich/Sabatini
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Dekker/Perich/Sabatini
Owner/Developer: Mercury Payment Systems
Merit (tie): Denver Union Station North Wing Office Building - IMA Financial Headquarters, Denver
Entry submitted by: Haselden Construction LLC
Contractor: Haselden Construction LLC
Lead Design Firm: Anderson Mason Dale
Owner/Developer: North Wing Building Venture
Merit (tie): Pearl Izumi Colorado Headquarters, Louisville, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Weifield Group Contracting
Contractor: Haselden Construction LLC
Lead Design Firm: Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP
Owner/Developer: Shimano Pearl Izumi
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: NuSkin Campus Expansion, Phase 1: Innovations Center, Provo, Utah
Entry submitted by: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Okland Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Owner/Developer: NuSkin International
Merit: Xactware Corporate Office Building, Lehi, Utah
Entry submitted by: Big-D Construction
Contractor: Big-D Construction
Lead Design Firm: GSBS Architects
Owner/Developer: Traverse Mountain Commercial Venture
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner (tie): 1000 Grant The Burnsley, Denver
Entry submitted by: W.E. O’Neil Construction Co. of Colorado
Contractor: W.E. O’Neil Construction Co. of Colorado
Lead Design Firm: RNL Associates
Owner/Developer: RedPeak Properties
Winner (tie): Boulder Valley School District Mapleton School Historic Renovations: Mapleton Early Childhood Center, Boulder, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Contractor: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Lead Design Firm: RTA Architects
Owner/Developer: Boulder Valley School District RE-2
Merit (tie): CSU Durrell Revitalization Center, Fort Collins, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Mark Young Construction Inc.
Contractor: Mark Young Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: 4240 Architecture Inc
Owner/Developer: Colorado State University Facilities Service Center North
Merit (tie): NASD Lab/Office Expansion, Boulder, Colo.
Entry submitted by: CRB
Contractor: CRB Builders LLC
Lead Design Firm: CRB Consulting Engineers Inc.
Owner/Developer: Agilent Technologies
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Uintah County Care Center Addition/Renovation, Vernal, Utah
Entry submitted by: Ascent Construction Inc.
Contractor: Ascent Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Tracy Stocking & Associates
Owner/Developer: Uintah County
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: One City Block Residences, Denver
Entry submitted by: Saunders Construction Inc.
Contractor: Saunders Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Davis Partnership PC
Owner/Developer: RedPeak Properties LLC
Merit: Plaza on Broadway, Boulder, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Brinkman Partners
Contractor: Brinkman Construction
Lead Design Firm: OZ Architecture
Owner/Developer: Brinkman Partners
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Ronald McDonald House Addition, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: R&O Construction
Contractor: R&O Construction
Lead Design Firm: CRSA
Owner/Developer: Ronald McDonald House
Merit: Bud Bailey Apartments, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Method Studio Inc.
Contractor: Zwick Construction
Lead Design Firm: Method Studio Inc.
Owner/Developer: Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake
Small Project (Under $10 Million)
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: The Source, Denver
Entry submitted by: White Construction Group
Contractor: White Construction Group
Lead Design Firms: Dynia Architects
Owner/Developer: Source Denver LLC c/o Zeppelin Development
Merit (tie): City of Arvada Lake Arbor and West Woods Community Police Stations, Arvada, Colo.
Entry submitted by: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Contractor: Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Lead Design Firm: Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture
Owner/Developer: City of Arvada
Merit (tie): Colorado State Bank Reclad, Denver
Entry submitted by: Swinerton Builders
Contractor: Swinerton Builders
Lead Design Firm: Gensler
Owner/Developer: WellsSpring (Owner’s Rep. for LBA Realty)
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: S.H. 44, Linder to Ballantyne Design-Build, Eagle, Idaho
Entry submitted by: Horrocks Engineers
Contractor: Central Paving
Lead Design Firm: Horrocks Engineers
Owner/Developer: Idaho Transportation Dept.
Merit: Dixie State University Clock Tower, St. George, Utah
Entry submitted by: Jacobsen Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Jacobsen Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: VCBO Architecture
Owner/Developer: State of Utah DFCM
Specialty Contracting
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Colorado Capitol Dome, Denver
Entry submitted by: Douglass Colony Group
Contractor: GH Phipps Construction Cos.
Lead Design Firm: Quinn Evans Architects
Owner/Developer: State of Colorado
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Momentum Millcreek, Millcreek, Utah
Entry submitted by: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: Dixon & Associates
Owner/Developer: Momentum Indoor Climbing
Merit: Lewis Bus Group, North Salt Lake, Utah
Entry submitted by: Ascent Construction Inc.
Contractor: Ascent Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: GSBS Architects
Owner/Developer: Silver Creek Properties
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Coors Field Upper Right Field Deck Fan Enhancements, Denver
Entry submitted by: Mortenson Construction
Contractor: Mortenson Construction
Lead Design Firm: Populous
Owner/Developer: Colorado Rockies Baseball Club
Merit (tie): Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln, Neb.
Entry submitted by: MG McGrath
Contractor: Mortenson Construction
Lead Design Firm: DLR Group
Owner/Developer: Pinnacle Bank Arena
Merit (tie): Western State Colorado University Mountaineer Field House and Recreation Center, Gunnison, Colo.
Entry submitted by: JE Dunn Construction Co.
Contractor: JE Dunn Construction Co.
Lead Design Firm: Sink Combs Dethlefs
Owner/Developer: Western State Colorado University
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Utah State University Strength & Conditioning Center, Logan, Utah
Entry submitted by: ajc architects
Contractor: Spindler Construction Corp.
Lead Design Firm: ajc architects
Owner/Developer: State of Utah DFCM
Merit: University of Utah Spence and Cleone Eccles Football Center, Salt Lake City
Entry submitted by: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Contractor: Layton Construction Co. Inc.
Lead Design Firm: VCBO Architecture
Owner/Developer: State of Utah DFCM/University of Utah
Colorado/Wyoming & Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas)
Winner: Southern Delivery System (SDS) Program: Pueblo Dam Connection, Pueblo, Colo.
Entry submitted by: MWH Global Inc.
Contractor: MWH Global Inc.
Lead Design Firm: CH2M HILL
Owner/Developer: Colorado Springs Utilities
Merit: Red Willow Dam Modification, McCook, Neb.
Entry submitted by: SEMA Construction Inc.
Contractor: SEMA Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Owner/Developer: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Intermountain Area (Utah, Montana, Idaho)
Winner: Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement, Bozeman, Mont.
Entry submitted by: HDR Inc.
Contractor: Apollo Inc.
Lead Design Firm: HDR Inc.
Owner/Developer: City of Bozeman