Top Starts
ENR Mountain States Previews Region's Top Project Starts of 2019

The Huntsman Cancer Institute’s seven-story cancer hospital expansion, being built by Layton Construction in Salt Lake City, includes a tall basement and a penthouse above the seventh floor. It also includes 48 inpatient rooms, new centers for endoscopy and BMT and a floor dedicated to cancers that affect women.
Rendering by Architectural Nexus, courtesy of Layton Construction
ENR Mountain States is moving ahead with our research on the largest new projects that got underway in our seven-state region last year. We have been seeking projects that broke ground (meaning that actual construction started on them) between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2019.
Our sources include information from Dodge Data & Analytics, past ENR stories, surveys from individual firms and other industry reports.
The projects can be located in any of the following states—Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas—and represent any type of construction, from pipelines, heavy-highway and infrastructure work to new building projects and renovations.
The final list, ranked by dollar volume of construction cost, will appear in the April issue of the magazine and here on our website.
To date, the 2019 list of top starts is an impressive mix of infrastructure work (highways, bridges, airports), health care, commercial buildings, educational facilities, offices and mixed-use residential.
But it is not yet complete. If you have a big project that broke ground last year within the region and think it should be included on our list, please e-mail me the details (project name, location, dollar amount, date started, owner and scheduled completion) at or call me at 303-526-0620. I can add it to the list up until the last week of March.
Here, in random order (not ranked), are 20 of the biggest new projects that got underway in the Mountain States in 2019, along with their general contractors. There will be more to come, and this list will change and grow, as we hear from you, our readers.
- I-84 Corridor, Karcher Road to Franklin Boulevard, Nampa, Idaho (Concrete Placing Co.)
- Poudre School District’s New Wellington Middle and High School, Fort Collins, Colo. (Adolfson & Peterson)
- I-15 Northbound, Salt Lake County, Utah (Ames Construction Inc.)
- Southwest Airlines RON Maintenance Hangar, Denver (Swinerton)
- I-15 Express Lanes, Davis and Weber counties, Utah (Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co. LLC)
- The Green on Campus Drive Student Housing, Orem, Utah (R&O Construction)
- US-95/ID-53 interchange, Hayden, Idaho (Scarsella Bros. Inc.)
- Fourth St. Crossing, Silverthorne, Colo. (Milender White)
- Interstate 25 North Express Lanes (Segment Six), Between Berthoud and Johnstown, Colo. (Ralph L. Wadsworth/SEMA, a Joint Venture LP)
- Huntsman Cancer Institute Phase V Women’s Comprehensive Cancer Care, Salt Lake City (Layton Construction)
- Ent Credit Union Campus Headquarters, Colorado Springs (GE Johnson Construction)
- UCHealth Tower 3 Expansion, Aurora, Colo. (Haselden Construction)
- National Western Center Horizontal Integrated Contractor (NWC HIC), Denver (Hensel Phelps)
- Anschutz Health Sciences Building, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colo. (JE Dunn Construction)
- The Academy at Mapleton Hill, Boulder, Colo. (Saunders Construction)
- Midvalley Highway, Tooele County, Utah (Ames Construction Inc.)
- Interstate 70 Westbound Peak Period Shoulder Lane, Clear Creek County, Idaho Springs to Empire Junction, Colo. (Graham Construction)
- University of Wyoming Science Initiative, Laramie, Wyo. (GE Johnson Construction)
- Marcy Gulch Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvements, Denver (Flatiron Construction)
- St. Francis Medical Center Expansion II, Colorado Springs (GE Johnson Construction)