Marjorie Mayfield Jackson so loved the Elizabeth River, which she could see from the back porch of her home near Norfolk, Va., that she quit a successful career as a newspaper reporter in 1991 to save it.
During the 19th century, Chicago’s sewage got dumped into the Chicago River and flowed into Lake Michigan. Because the city’s drinking water was, and still is, drawn from the lake via two mile-long tunnels, officials feared that the sewage would endanger the water supply.
Record rainfall for May has left Chicago's tunnel and reservoir filled to capacity, and operations to send the water into Lake Michigan didn't immediately work due to high water levels and flooding.
In 2019, Goettsch Partners delivered a mix of designs that further cemented the firm's legacy as an innovative architect capable of delivering beautiful designs on the toughest sites.
As record flooding continues across the Midwest, the region’s mayors and the Army Corps of Engineers are looking for solutions to mitigate future floods.
A new report card evaluating the overall health of the Mississippi River basin gives the watershed a D+ based on assessments in a number of areas ranging from flood control to ecosystem health.