State DOT dumps stalled $7.3B private developer approach of previous administration, but with public funding not in hand, design and construction is years away.
New Dragados/OHL team is set to resume full-scale construction on 16-mile light-rail system in D.C. suburbs now about four years behind schedule due to numerous disputes and previous contractor Fluor's departure.
Caltrans is preparing to break ground on a massive wildlife crossing that will span 10 lanes across the busy 101 Freeway in western Los Angeles County.
Purple Line's new JV contractor Dragados-OHL will start in spring as state approves its contract on Jan. 26. Construction tab now is $3.4B, with opening four years past original estimate, say officials.
Three teams are shortlisted to submit proposals to design, build, operate and maintain major existing non-tolled interstate bridges under 20- to 30-year concession agreements.
Unidentified losing bidder challenges state's choice to develop tolled lanes on 48 miles of I-495 ring road around Washington, DC and feeder highway I-270.
Facing a multi-billion-dollar highway maintenance funding gap, the agency will consider public-private partnerships to address major bridge reconstruction and rehabilitation projects.