A 60,000-sq-ft addition and 7,500-sq-ft renovation has transformed and modernized a senior living community’s 160-year-old building, which now features nearly 80 private rooms spread across three floors and two buildings.
As part of a larger expansion to increase container capacity at the Port of New Orleans, this $47.7-million effort transformed Shed C at the Nashville Avenue Terminal into an offloading space that supports four new 100-ft gauge ship-to-shore (STS) cranes.
Massive renovation restored the 170-plus-year-old building and gave it a new life, earning it recognition as ENR Texas & Louisiana’s Project of the Year
Built in 1855, the two-story Greek Revival landmark of New Orleans’ Carrollton neighborhood evidenced the effects of time, weather and neglect, from deteriorated wooden trusses and masonry to damage from vandalism and animal infestation.
A five-mile interim expansion will reduce congestion and improve mobility on State Route 24, a freeway that links southeastern Maricopa and northern Pinal counties to the Phoenix metropolitan area.