Deploying new technology often demands its own skill set, and Texas A&M’s College of Architecture is exploring what it would take for those in its construction management program to be proficient in evaluating and implementing new technologies.
In 1968, the Whitehill Report on Professional and Public Education for Historic Preservation raised concerns about a dearth of tradespeople qualified in historic preservation work.
The building trades in modern America have long been a path to the middle class, and construction apprentice training provides more than a middle-class income. The jobs are a path out of endless financial worry.
Construction workers and site supervisors will get training for COVID-19 protection, the latest infectious disease for which the industry is ill-prepared, says NY Environmental Contractors Association chairman Morris Napolitano.
The commentary, “Keep The Rule Exemption As Is,” claimed that construction should remain excluded from the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s proposed rule on apprenticeship expansion because union apprenticeship programs set the bar high on quality training and earning potential.