Long-anticipated FERC rules require power providers to conduct 20-year-ahead plans for long-term transmission needs and give agency backstop siting authority for projects that cross grid boundaries.
U.S. sets record in hydroelectric system investment, with new tidal energy and scaled up enhancd geothrmal pilot projects also gaining millions and grid expansion efforts getting a $1.2B infusion.
Analysis noted near shutdown by utlity Con Ed in NYC, as federal energy regulator also okayed four natural gas projects but left a controversial climate change measure undecided.
North Plains Connector from South Dakota to Montana would enable shared power and more system reliability for large US grids, but transmission experts decry big gaps in "planning, permitting and paying."
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, operating in 15 states, will bid 18 new transmission projects to connect 56 GW of clean power and add weather hardening.
DOE's five-year program, funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, would fund state and tribal projects to modernize and harden transmission systems, including in historically underrepresented communities.
New grid modernization efforts are announced every week. What is the purpose of that work and how much work is out there for contractors and engineers?