Originally built in 1958, the Priest Rapids Dam is a composite structure with a center-channel spillway and powerhouse and a left and right embankment.
The project's program included efforts to sequence and stage building work to allow passenger vehicle and bus traffic to access each terminal throughout the $209-million, four-year project.
Part of a larger East River Waterfront esplanade, the in-water structure fills in a gap in Manhattan’s Waterfront Greenway, a planned continuous 32.5-mile loop around the island.
RFQ will be out in January for contractor to build estimated $800M project in British Columbia, with construction to start in mid-year and finish by 2028.
Kentucky has brought on Stantec for a $25 million contract to use machine learning and other advanced technologies to provide flood risk mapping, assessment and planning services.
The state highway agency and consultant Stantec unearthed historic discoveries at a Denton County project that once was the site of a former slave's blacksmith shop.