The mixed-use development along the Nile River features two connected towers, each standing 23 stories tall, with additional below-ground-level stories housing a parking garage and shared mechanical and electrical rooms.
Cairo’s Sayyida Zainab Mosque holds great cultural significance in Egypt—which made the restoration of the building without compromising its architectural identity of great importance for the project team.
After it was looted during the 2011 revolution in Egypt, the Damietta Steel Bridge—one of the world’s oldest steel swing bridges—has been rehabilitated and transformed into a tourist and cultural attraction featuring a conference hall, lecture rooms and art galleries.
The 258,000-sq-ft hospital is the largest of its kind in the region, treating trauma and burn patients from across Egypt, the Middle East and North Africa.
Meeting deadlines was an ongoing challenge for the fast-tracked project to restore the late 19th-century Al Salamlek Palace, but the team finished in 21 months, on time and below budget.
The addition of anaerobic digester units at the East Alexandria Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Egyptian city’s largest wastewater treatment facility, is reducing the amount of sludge that needs to be trucked off site and using methane captured inside airtight digesters to help power the plant.
This $522-million water treatment facility will clean 7.5 million cu m of water per day to expand farming land and combat water scarcity in northwestern Egypt.
Among the biggest challenges Hassan Allam Construction faced building the seawater desalination plant for the greenfield city, New Mansoura, was groundwater control.
More than 100,000 artifacts all focused on the history of a civilization that began in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago have come home to the Grand Egyptian Museum, but construction of the 484,000-sq-ft structure reads more like a tale of ardor from the Old Kingdom.
The Islamic Cultural Center, located in the governmental district in the country’s new administrative capital, was established as a world-class venue to spread the teachings of moderate and non-extremist Islamic religion.