Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Vermont ask grid operator to seek bids for new power transmission projects to relieve critical capacity gaps in the region—and connect up to 1,200 MW of onshore wind production..
Funds are earmarked for 42 projects in as many states and
D.C., with an added $28 million set for award to 15 states to expand and train the U.S. green building workforce.
The Biden administration propels efforts to upgrade U.S. grid infrastructure as new reports show big power demand from data centers, AI and planned hydrogen fuel production.
Long-anticipated FERC rules require power providers to conduct 20-year-ahead plans for long-term transmission needs and give agency backstop siting authority for projects that cross grid boundaries.
Three design firms and five contractors will work on a proposed group of large projects to build grid connections for 50 GW of offshore wind energy in Britain set to operate by 2030.
Left in place is a lower court ruling that the state law is unconstitutional because it bars outside
developers of federally approved regional transmission lines, which were
termed “classic instruments of interstate commerce.”
Analysis noted near shutdown by utlity Con Ed in NYC, as federal energy regulator also okayed four natural gas projects but left a controversial climate change measure undecided.