Long career for transportation operations and finance expert included a long stint as the U.S. Transportation Dept chief operating officer and leadership of two major U.S. urban transit systems.
Parsons Brinckerhoff CEO and chairman between 1990 and 2009, who died Nov. 9, expanded the consultant's transportation niche globally and drove revenue results. The firm now is part of Canada-based design giant WSP Global.
BIG DIG The Central Artery/Tunnel project will change the way Boston works, but it cost $14.6-billion. (Photo courtesy of bigdig.com) The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority filed suit March 16 against the joint venture of Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff seeking damages of up to $146 million in connection with its role as project consultant on Boston’s $14.6-billion Central Artery/Tunnel project. At particular issue is the escalation in project costs, which went from $2.6 billion in 1982 to the final tally of $14.6 billion. B/PB claims that the charges are without merit. Filed in Suffolk County Superior Court, the civil