After dismissing the case, the judge said he didn't want to rule on whether the insurers might have a liability claim against Zachry Group, McDermott and Chiyoda under other provisions of the contract.
Freeport LNG export terminal now targets partial reopening for mid-December, as federal safety agency releases 'root cause analysis' of pipeline explosion.
Major Texas gas export facility, closed since June, sticks to partial opening date this month but won't discuss status and scope of Kiewit repair work.
Fluor gains contract to build La. offshore site as critical Texas export facility, closed since June 8 fire, must complete US agency-ordered remediation to partially restart in the fall as it anticipates.
Freeport LNG, a major global exporter, will partially open in September after June 8 pipeline explosion but not fully until year end, drawing global market concern on supply in wake of Russian cutbacks. Federal probes are underway as to the incident cause.