From educational facilities to courthouses to central utility buildings and art museums, the winning submissions in the 2024 ENR MidAtlantic Best Projects competition represent what a panel of judges said were “outstanding” projects across the region.
With the completion of Raymond Elementary School in July 2023, the design-build team of MCN Build and Studios Architecture demonstrated that high sustainability goals and strict historic preservation requirements can coexist.
The new Embassy of Australia aims to serve as both an integral civic space and an enduring symbol of the country. The embassy’s design respects Capitol Hill’s architectural style while acknowledging the site’s transition between residential buildings and commercial structures, according to the project team.
Aimed at increasing higher education access for low-income and underrepresented communities, Bard High School Early College offers graduates both a high school diploma and a tuition-free Associate in Arts degree from Bard College.
Hampton Roads Sanitation District’s Atlantic Treatment Plant, which has a permitted design capacity of 54 million gallons per day, operates as a high-rate activated sludge plant that is able to achieve biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids removal.
The 3,000-seat arena and convocation center includes telescoping and fixed seating, an elevated connection to the adjacent building and parking deck, a plaza with paver systems, landscaping and street upgrades.
The $12.4-million building systems overhaul is the initial phase of the medical center’s plan to convert three existing office and administration floors into patient space for the shock trauma unit.
Great Wolf Lodges may all look similar aesthetically, but building its largest resort proved as complex as hospital construction, the project team says.