If some MidAtlantic specialty contractors might have felt they were finally stepping off a roller coaster of rising interest rates, supply chain interruptions and climbing material and labor costs heading into 2024, regional revenue reported on the 2024 ENR MidAtlantic Top Specialty Contractor ranking may have justified that impression.
Finishing on time and below budget just after the school’s lease expired on its previous location and just in time for the start of the school year, the 16-month project produced what the team says is a first-of-its-kind educational facility.
Completed at budget and on schedule in 43 months, the multiphased addition and renovation to the existing dining facility at the heart of campus includes a 42,000-sq-ft mass timber dining addition.
Cleaner hydrogen production hubs in California, the Pacific NW and the Appalachian region—of seven DOE picked last
year to negotiate hundreds of millions of
dollars in federal project support—are the first
to receive initial funding awards.