The team working on the project to expand a top-rated Mayo Clinic facility in Phoenix performed extensive prefabrication work that allowed the hospital not only to avoid disruptions to patient care by remaining open during construction but also shaved months off the schedule.
To provide increased functionality to this medical-surgical unit, the project team led a full demolition and reconstruction of the hospital’s eighth floor.
While the Federal Reserve finally began to cut interest rates in the second half of the year, overall construction growth was modest in 2024, according to Dodge Construction Network.
With this project’s location in northern Peru being periodically impacted by intense rainfall, often inundating public roads—and the area lacking systems to adequately handle such downpours—IDOM Consulting Engineering Architecture incorporated natural rainwater collection and drainage systems into the design of Sullana Hospital.
Located in a remote and rural part of Canada’s most eastern province, this 600,000-sq-ft hospital takes an innovative approach to design, operational and environmental solutions.
The complete interior renovation of an existing hospital at the Houston Medical Center will help HCA expand its reach across the area and stay ahead of ever-increasing demand for top-tier health care.
A 60,000-sq-ft addition and 7,500-sq-ft renovation has transformed and modernized a senior living community’s 160-year-old building, which now features nearly 80 private rooms spread across three floors and two buildings.