The John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil Memorial Bridge has been a vital pathway in and out of downtown Kansas City, Mo., since 1956, when it opened as the Broadway Bridge.
As part of the memorial’s newly renovated lower level, the Memorial Bergman Family Gallery features 4,000 sq ft of storage, including a 190-ft coastline of window cases displaying artifacts that were previously stored in closed back-of-house storage facilities.
This project converted a 1-million-sq-ft speculative warehouse into a 600,000-sq-ft industrial dry cleaning, laundry, office and distribution facility.
The Jack C. Taylor Visitor Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden—dedicated to sustainability and highlighting rare plants from around the world—is a showcase of innovation and conservation.
As a replacement for two existing elementary schools with 90-year-old infrastructure, this new facility will tie two communities together while modernizing the learning environment.
Built on a greenfield site in Columbia, Mo., the 315,000-sq-ft Swift Prepared Foods facility produces a variety of dried meats, including salami, pepperoni, prosciutto, pancetta and coppa.
Faced with the constraints of an extremely narrow site, the Electric Park Garden Bar addition team found ways to leverage prefabrication to reduce downtime for subcontractors and keep the project on track.
Touted by University of Missouri officials as the most ambitious project in its 180-year history, the $221-million Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building is designed to enable researchers to expedite delivery of innovations from the lab to clinical treatment.