Floodwater diverted from Beijing has caused major damage in the Hai River basin, but no official damage cost or detail has yet been released as China’s government said it has allocated $124 million for immediate post-disaster relief and reconstruction.
U.S. DOT has provided an initial $29.4 million in emergency aid to Caltrans and four federal agencies to assist with the cleanup and repair of highways and bridges in the wake of the rainstorms that battered California in December and January.
The funding, which FHWA announced on Sept. 29, covers disasters dating as far back as the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, and as recent as a bush fire in Arizona in June 20. The federal funds reimburse states and other agencies.
Generative design is being used by the Quebec Wood Export Bureau and VIATechnik to deliver purpose-designed relief structures designed for sites as well as mission needs for COVID-19 health care, first responders and other disaster needs.
A partisan squabble over funds to help Puerto Rico continue its long recovery and rebuilding from two hurricanes in 2017 has tied up a wide-ranging spending package on Capitol Hill.