The U.S. Dept. of Defense has instructed its agencies to remove language in contracts requiring labor agreements for projects over $35 million, changing a Biden-era rule.
The Dept. of Defense’s plan to put off $3.6 billion in construction projects and shift the agency’s already appropriated funds to build sections of the southwest border wall has sparked sharp criticism from Democrats in Congress.
New rules may affect bid protests on federal task-order awards of more than $10 million let by non-defense agencies under indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity (ID-IQ) contracts.
A Dept. of Defense authorization measure moving in the House includes an amendment to block a presidential directive for contractors to disclose labor-law
violations when bidding for DOD and National Nuclear Security Administration projects.
A massive Dept. of Defense authorization bill that, at press time, was awaiting President Obama’s signature includes a provision to eliminate much of the fraud in individual surety bonds.