A 25-kilometer tunnel to divert combined sewer overflows along London’s Thames River is being built to meet European Union regulations, although the country is preparing to exit the EU.
Terry Morgan's ouster as chair of HS2 and Crossrail comes as the latter London tunnel line faces a new $2.5-billion budget hole and a likely finish beyond 2019.
Even as natural gas service will be restored by the end of the month to the thousands affected by September’s gas explosions in Massachusetts, safeguards to prevent similar explosions nationwide won’t be coming as quickly.
As uncertainty drags on concerning federal funding levels for major infrastructure projects, stakeholders are looking more intensely than ever into what kinds of private capital are available—not only from entities traditionally interested in infrastructure, but also from companies such as Facebook.
According to a new analysis, U.S. Geological Survey stream gauges in the Carolinas recorded many instances of record-setting water levels during Hurricane Florence in September, with the majority of those eclipsing previous historic peaks set just two years prior during Hurricane Matthew.
Nine prefab modules, each nearly 3,700 tons, were delivered by a private Chinese contractor to a 40-million-tpy ethylene plant near Shanghai; U.S. market is next.
After the flurry of post-election talk from Republicans and Democrats about infrastructure legislation in the new Congress, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is staking out a position.
It’s gotten to the point that when we mention Lean Construction to a subcontractor, we get an eye roll rather than an enthused response, and that’s troubling.