“If you build it, they will come” isn’t just a version of a famous film line. For Top 400 contractors navigating markets bogged down by supply shortages and delays, it’s strategy.
High school mentor support is elevated to college level to boost engineering and construction graduation rates and broader array of industry career options
In a sign of continued interest in technologies for tracking work progress and keeping on schedule, Israel-based startup Buildots announced that it has raised $60 million in a Series C funding round.
After recently passing its first anniversary as a public company, the construction tech provider is stepping up efforts for its users to track greenhouse gas emissions in construction.
To boost women's career tracks as industry sectors grow and change, attendees shared creative approaches at ENR's Groundbreaking Women in Construction live conference, held earlier this month.
The Kiewit Shea Traylor (KST) joint venture wins the progressive-design build contract that will link the VTA and BART rail systems via a tunnel under downtown San Jose.
After a bid protest, the megacontract to operate the giant Y-12 and Pantex waste sites will be rescoped and split, but Energy Dept. provides no rebid schedule. Bechtel will remain manager of both sites for at least two years.
UK levies penalty for firm's misleading regulators into the quality of its financial audit of British contractor before its unexpected collapse under huge debt in 2018.
Boosting peer-to-peer support is critical in reducing the construction industry’s high suicide rate, said mental health advocates at the Construction Working Minds Summit, held May 17-18 in Denver.
State DOT released the short list of design-build teams for the $2.3M project's first phase, but advocates say local residents need more safety protections before work begins.
French contracting giant's water diversion scheme, one of Alberta's largest ever infrastructure projects, will prevent events such as the 2013 flood that caused more than $5B in damage and displaced 125,000 Calgary residents
Hyundai confirms on May 20 an electric vehicle plant valued at $5.5B to be built outside of Savannah, with startup Rivian planning a $5B EV pickup truck factory near Atlanta.
Firm's status as former TVA contractor extends no immunity for claimed illnesses caused by site cleanup work, judge said; Jacobs also announces new cleanup support contract at Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant
White House says $110 billion has been distributed to states and localities so far, while the industry seeks a longer time frame for Buy America waivers.