Nation boosts construction investment in projects, such as Ottawa’s light-rail Confederation Line, to stimulate an ailing economy and expand quality of key assets.
Awareness of antiquated drinking-water systems’ potential to fail on a number of levels is at an all-time high as critics excoriate the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, state Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for their roles in the devastating water crisis in Flint, Mich.
CH2M Hill and the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority are “in active, productive discussions,” focused on “resolving issues and completing” an important toll-lane project in the Austin area, according to a joint statement issued on Feb. 4.
The Washington Senate ousted state Dept. of Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson on Feb. 5—the first rejection of a gubernatorial appointee in the state since 1998.
Even as drilling crews are getting closer to capping a natural-gas well that has spewed thousands of metric tons of methane since last fall, Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has filed criminal charges against utility Southern California Gas Co. for failing to immediately notify authorities of the rupture within the largest underground natural-gas storage facility west of the Mississippi River.
When the U.S. Congress adjourned in December, it scrapped a water-rights settlement package meant to end years of bitter haggling in California and Oregon’s Klamath Basin among farmers, fishermen, utilities ratepayers and environmentalists.
In Louisiana, a new administration has put a temporary hold on the state’s annual coastal restoration plan as it reviews the most ambitious tasks to date: two projects to divert Mississippi River sediment to restore the state’s disappearing wetlands.
With a new multiyear highway bill passed and other positive economic indicators boosting morale, crowds poured into Las Vegas on Feb. 2-5 for the World of Concrete show.
By summer, Arup is expected to present a design plan that addresses the unexpected amount of bouncing experienced by pedestrians crossing an HNTB-designed bridge in Brooklyn.
Many industry organizations annually recognize leaders who have helped to shape the future of all the sectors and professions that make up the construction industry.
A report released on Feb. 4 by Dodge Data & Analytics ranks the New York City metropolitan area as both the largest and fastest-growing metro area in the nation for construction, with $35 billion in new starts during 2015, a 66% increase over 2014.
State transportation departments are considering using high-tech maps to measure how much fuel is saved from driving on repaved highways, thanks to a new pavement-vehicle-interaction test developed at MIT.
New at World of Concrete 2016 Introduced at World of Concrete 2016, held in Las Vegas on Feb. 2-5, the Putzmeister Pro Series Concrete Mixer Truck has been redesigned for easier maintenance and a lower overall weight.