The Ash Grove Cement Co. is on schedule with the $20-million voluntary installation of a new activated carbon injection mercury control system at its plant in Durkee, Ore. Upon completion in July, it is expected to achieve 75-80% mercury control efficiency.
“Foundations, structural steel, primary ductwork and the baghouse for the ACI system are now in place,” says Mike Hrizuk, the firm’s vice president of manufacturing. “Work on the electrical and control systems is ongoing and on schedule for start-up in July.”
Hrizuk says that future construction on the ACI system will include additional equipment installation and final structural work. The company expects to initiate system testing in May, with a full startup, as planned, in July.
In early 2007, Ash Grove launched a voluntary pilot project to test activated carbon injection as a possible means of reducing mercury emissions at its Durkee facility.