Today’s contractors have become “smart builders” who are using highly sophisticated computer modeling tools to tackle complex projects at biotech and computer labs and other high-tech manufacturing facilities.

BIM models allow a design-build team to visualize synergies and conflicts in the various systems.
BIM models allow a design-build team to visualize synergies and conflicts in the various systems.

Today’s contractors have become “smart builders” who are using highly sophisticated computer modeling tools to tackle complex projects at biotech and computer labs and other high-tech manufacturing facilities.

The models allow a design-build team to visualize synergies and conflicts in the various systems and allow the users to “walk around” in the building while it is still on paper.

And when the model is created on multiple databases with the future use of the building in mind, important information can be stored, including maintenance records, training documentation and validation to installation.

Melody Spradlin
Melody Spradlin

The engineers at Dome Construction Corp. in San Francisco and San Jose have created a building culture that is at the forefront in the usage building information modeling and other complimentary methodologies. Our company has used BIM to construct hospitals, biofuels plants, pharmaceutical facilities and computer operations throughout the Bay Area.

Here are 10 advantages resulting from smart building practices:

1. You can use BIM’s multiple parallel database functionality to store a lot more sets of data tied to building components than is currently done.

2. Smart building can show cash flow overtime as the model of the schedule is being built. This results in less cost tied to objects and scheduling.

3. You can tie LEED ratings with each object, so that LEED paperwork is automatically produced with equipment and materials selected in drawings versus submitting a separate package.

4. For a GMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility, you can tie all of the commissioning and validation data to each piece of equipment. It is much easier to locate this data later for an inspection by FDA. With the large dollars associated with these facilities, a lot of the members of the board of directors are involved in the decisions. Only a few can read drawings, so the more of these synchronized visualizations, the better.