ENR 2024 Global Best Projects
Best Project, Specialty Construction: Wenchi – Dendi Ecotourism Road Network Lot-1

Photo credit: Tian Zhenjia
Wenchi – Dendi Ecotourism Road Network Lot-1
Ambo, Ethiopia
Best Project
Submitted by: China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.
Owner: Wenchi - Dendi Eco-Tourism Project Office (WDPO)
Lead Design Firm: CCCC First Highway Consultants Co. Ltd.
Design-Build Contractor: China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.
Consultants: ECO and G & Y Engineering Consult Plc Joint Venture
Subcontractor: Frieda Business PLC
Given that the aim of this ecotourism project connecting two lakes was to create a network of roads, 31.4 km in total, to allow visitors access to a remote, mountainous area, accessibility was a challenge. Extra attention was paid to driver safety—including training targeted to driving on uneven, sloped terrain and regular inspection of braking systems for vehicles and construction equipment.
In addition to the road network, the project team built four landscaped picnic areas set around Wenchi Crater Lake—formed by a volcanic crater—and a marathon running track, a nod to Ethiopia’s competitive marathon running tradition.

Photo credit: Tian Zhenjia
A low supply of suitable local construction materials, with only volcanic ash available for fill, led to project team innovation. The ash was combined with sub base material brought to the site to create a capping layer. To meet specification requirements, “the project used a three-stage crushing process in stone rolling production and used different screen meshes in the vibrating screen stage to adjust the particle size distribution,” according to the team. Volcanic ash was added during the base compaction stage to maintain a specific passing rate proportion.

Photo credit: Tian Zhenjia
The lack of fill material also led the team, in the design phase, to choose excavation for most sections, with contractors implementing drainage systems and slope plantings to protect against slope collapse and erosion. More than 44 hectares of greenery was planted throughout all excavation and fill areas.

Four viewing areas that include dining and other amenities allow visitors to take in the expansive setting of the lake.
Photo credit: Tian Zhenjia
With a foundation excavation depth of more than 6 m for culvert construction, the team used a “detailed technical safety methodology” and conducted emergency drills related to deep foundation pit construction.
Amid additional challenges—including security issues, a long rainy season and supply cost pressures—the project managed to complete on time and on budget.