This exceedingly complex and challenging project provided a 75-year design life for the structurally deficient critical link between the city of Chelsea, Mass., its northern suburbs and Boston.
This five-story, 100,000-sq-ft building creates a “smart world” research collaboration environment—housing lab space for robotics, architecture and engineering, cybersecurity, data science, computer science, learning science, bioinformatics and computational biology.
The 150,000- sq-ft building that houses the college’s research and science programs has 12 classrooms, four floors of labs and a 188-seat auditorium—all for teaching and conducting research in computer science, robotics and nanotechnology.
Designed and constructed to meet specialized needs of the Cotting School student body, the 25,000-sq-ft addition—dubbed the Campus Center of Excellence—offers students the opportunity to test skills, boost confidence, practice teamwork and expand imaginations.
Outgoing Gov. Charlie Baker signs bill to expand renewable energy development and EV vehicle use, but is concerned its gas ban could impact affordable housing in the state