British Columbis safety regulator cites extended police criminal probe for keeping secret results of its probe into one of North America's deadliest crane collapses that in July 2021 killed four site workers at a 25-story condo project and an engineer in an adjacent building.
Cost projections have run between $8 billion and $16 billion for the project to renovate the 1,100-room Victorian-era complex by the River Thames in London.
The program focuses on 11 buildings projects, and is intended to reduce emissions associated with federal construction and promote wider adoption of environmental product declarations for building materials.
As the inventory of existing buildings continues to grow in the U.S., leaders in the historic preservation community are sounding the alarm that the construction industry is in dire need of workers with historic trades training.
GE Johnson Construction Co. says the city still owes it money for compensable delays and change orders, while the city says the contractor has refused to address construction issues.
The Highlands region is a major corridor for goods shipment to the Port Newark-Elizabeth terminal, but a key regional regulator last month issued a new warehouse construction policy that sets new limits on how the complexes are located and built.