Bid protest by Atkins-Jacobs-Westinghouse competing team is key factor in megacontract dispute, but neither the judge, companies nor U.S. Energy Dept. will comment on the invalidated contract or on what will happen next.
Inflated costs, crunched schedules and materials delays are driving a greater interest in alternative project delivery methods, firms say—which is reflected in last year’s rise in design-build and construction management-at-risk revenue.
In three-year delay, companies cite “changing market conditions and subsequent high cost inflation” for drilling project after FEED contract award in April to engineers KBR and Hatch.
State will enact nation-leading requirements next month to boost first floor building elevations for most
new or renovated projects that are based on
“predictive precipitation modeling” of future flood impacts, not historic
HOK Sports + Recreation + Entertainment is architect for the stadium, estimated to cost at least $1.4B, with Barton Malow and AECOM Hunt named to manage preconstruction.
The U.S. Energy Dept. updates its strategy to cut emissions with clean hydrogen, but the Treasury Dept. won't propose until summer rules on how emissions from its production are counted when awarding critical project tax incentives outlined in the 2022 climate law.
Chief of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, with a track record in public procurement and private development, shares insight on how agency guides the government's behind the scenes push to expedite project approvals.
Lane-Webuild JV breached its contract, says South Florida Water Management District in a May 30 court filing that seeks to recover claimed additional costs from project delays.