Production facility set to make sustainable aviation fuel from ethanol when on line in 2025, would be "the world's largest," says developer Summit Agricultural Group.
The "right-to-control theory" used by federal prosecutors "cannot form the basis for a conviction under federal fraud statutes,” Justice Clarence Thomas said in the unanimous opinion, with the high court also ruling on disputes related to the controversial Mountain Valley gas pipeline and to state mandates affecting interstate commerce.
A shortage of skilled labor and material price escalation are felt in the agency's $92-billion program that includes civil works and military construction, and is "the largest we’ve ever seen,” a top official told a Senate committee.
New England state reveals details of fourth round of developer bids—with new terms on cost hikes—while New Jersey launches expanded bid for ocean-to-shore power transmission options and permits first construction of 1.1-GW Orsted project.
The West Virginia Democrat new project permit reform package includes deadlines and limits for NEPA reviews and for court challenges of infrastructure project approvals.
GE Johnson Construction Co. says the city still owes it money for compensable delays and change orders, while the city says the contractor has refused to address construction issues.