Denver International Airport has selected a consortium—led by Ferrovial Airports International Ltd., Madrid, which also operates airports in Europe and the United Kingdom—to begin negotiating a public-private partnership to improve the airport’s Jeppesen Terminal.
A stopgap Federal Aviation Administration authorization has been moving rapidly through Congress, as lawmakers seek to avert a cutoff of new FAA airport construction grants.
As the Interstate Highway System enters its seventh decade, last year’s five-year, $305-billion Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act will provide only a slight funding increase to address the system’s infrastructure needs.
Transportation design firms are seeing the best market conditions in years, thanks to a variety of funding initiatives that are allowing states and
localities to extend project programming horizons into the 2020s.
Originally scheduled for completion late this year, the new 4,300-ft-long Midtown Tunnel between Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., is now on track for completion by the end of the summer.