While some structures survived the first main shock and performed as designed, experts say having two major quakes in such close proximity would challenge even the most stringent seismic codes.
North Plains Connector from South Dakota to Montana would enable shared power and more system reliability for large US grids, but transmission experts decry big gaps in "planning, permitting and paying."
State regulators approved construction of a 1-GW onshore wind project, set to double current capacity, while the US Interior Dept. will allow development of a floating offshore wind turbine array in the deep-water Gulf of Maine.
Firms, GE Hitachi and Ontario Power will build the 300-MW plant under a single collaborative agreement to
avoid potential delays and cost overruns, said Ken Hartwick, utility
president and CEO.
As rescue crews continue to dig out survivors from collapsed buildings in the wake of two severe earthquakes that rocked Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, killing thousands, engineers' response efforts turn toward cataloguing and evaluating structures that failed or suffered significant damage.
Purchase of Asia-Pacific assets of Perth contractor Clough “guarantees the continuity" of firm projects and employment for 1,100 employees, says the Italy-based buyer.
An agreement by the American Society of Civil Engineers and National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration outlines plans to ensure U.S.
infrastructure is designed to be more resilient and “climate-ready.”