Congress is wrestling with its first energy policy update since 2005, and there is some concern that it may not be passed this year. That may not be all bad.
When reading the news it seems developers, architects, engineers and contractors are fascinated with using unmanned aircraft on their next big project. And legally, any of them can fly a drone for recreational purposes within his or her field of vision and at a height of no more than 400 feet above ground provided they are not in restricted areas like airports or government installations like the White House. But whenever they step into the commercial space, new rules apply; and to avoid large fines here’s some advice.
Process-industry engineering and construction firms can save significant amounts of time and money, optimize process designs, gain access to thousands of analyses of global production and property databases and achieve significant competitive advantage through the use of model-based software applications for modular process design
When I consider the workforce-shortage issues plaguing the construction industry today, I am reminded of the expression “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.”