Energy storage is a hot topic in California, where lawmakers are mandating that the state’s three biggest utility companies provide 33% of their electrical energy from renewable sources by 2020. Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric are mandated to buy a total of at least 1300 MW of energy storage to help make the plan work.
Key phrases that are included in many construction contracts, such as “Additional Insured” and “Notification Requirements,” can be maddening if not fully understood.
The effectiveness of contractual risk transfer is more strained than ever. Upstream parties have attempted to toughen the insurance requirements in their construction contracts, utilizing terms that truly alter the intent of the requirement. And, which may, or may not, be insurable. Insurers are pushing back.
With millions of people around the world on the move, it's tempting to see the immigration problem in the U.S. as a matter of what to do about the undocumented 11 million.
Critics have sounded the alarm to halt pipeline near Indian Point nuclear plant. Controversy dogs the Algonquin Incremental Market Project nearly six months after construction began.
When requesting a time extension, most construction contracts require the preparation of a time-impact analysis (TIA), in which unanticipated or changed work is inserted into the schedule to demonstrate what impact the change will have on the schedule.
The energy market last year fell as if swallowed by a Florida sinkhole, and a report from Moody’s Investor Service says the oil and gas price outlook will remain negative until well into 2016.
By now, everyone knows that "Bertha," the world’s largest tunnel boring machine, was stuck in Seattle’s subsoil for more than a year, since December 6, 2013.