The construction of the SCE&G Innovation Center, Clemson University's wind turbine drivetrain test facility in North Charleston, S.C., couldn't have proved more challenging, considering the site chosen for the building.
Contractors building the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's $5.8-million Railroad Pedestrian Underpass had to coordinate their work with a high volume of rail traffic through the project, which links the school's core campus and a mixed-use development that includes student housing, retail and a 225,000-sq-ft recreation center.
With renovation of Terminal 1, the design and construction team delivered a long-overdue permanent passenger terminal to Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
For Duke University's renovation of Baldwin Auditorium—a Georgian-style building originally built in 1927—LeChase Construction Services was charged with the task of transforming the eye-catching auditorium into an acoustically superior, world-class venue.
When fully open and upright, the 94 operable louver arms atop Florida Polytechnic University's $60-million Innovation Science and Technology building seem to salute in unison the birth of the nation's newest engineering school.
The 30,560-sq-ft Fort Lauderdale Temple is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' first temple in South Florida, and just the second in the state.
For the Duke University West Campus Steam Plant Renewal and Renovation Project, Lend Lease (US) Construction converted a coal-fired steam plant to gas and updated the facility overall.