A 9,500-sq-ft, single-story masonry warehouse was renovated to the level of a clean room to meet a fast-tack schedule for a designer and manufacturer of medical tubing.
Brokerage firm Transwestern aimed to create both flexible workspaces and a collaborative community hub for its Arizona headquarters, a former grade-level steakhouse situated among numerous retailers and busy pedestrian activity.
The SR 28 project created a shared-use path that separates vehicles and foot and bicycle traffic and allows better ADA access to the largest alpine lake in North America.
Extending from historic downtown Mesa to Gilbert Road, the $117-million, 1.9-mile light rail extension called for a significant engineering innovation—the construction of a four-way roundabout featuring an automobile interface with the rail line.
Project team members designed and programmed the Sierra Linda Performing Arts Center to promote community use, serve as a resource to a local school district and foster growing stage-craft and fine-arts music and dance programs.
The $322-million Banner - University Medical Center Tucson, the only Level 1 trauma center providing comprehensive care in Southern Arizona, combined renovations with the construction of a nine-story, 670,000-sq-ft replacement hospital that houses patient rooms, maternity rooms, operating rooms and patient pre-op and post-op space.
The project team designed the $51.2-million, 139,000-sq-ft University of New Mexico Physics and Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) Building to unite several science disciplines.
The 60,000-sq-ft facility for the New Mexico State University Art Dept. and University Art Museum in Las Cruces honors a local family of arts supporters.