To deliver the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building in Boston’s Dudley Square, the design and construction team balanced the needs of the city of Boston with the local community’s concerns, while demonstrating an ability to leverage emerging tools and techniques.
From dramatic restorations to unique applications of emerging construction techniques, ENR New England’s 2015 Best Projects showcase the traditional strengths of the region’s design and construction firms as well as a willingness to innovate.
Zurek, an associate at Union Studio Architecture & Community Design, says local designers are closely monitoring plans for 19 acres of developable land in downtown Providence that became available following the relocation of Interstate-195.
The 13,000-sq-ft Nave is the primary entrance into a 1920s-era Gothic Revival building originally conceived by the university as a “cathedral of learning.”
Located in the heart of the Harvard Business School campus, Tata Hall provides a living/learning space to facilitate interaction and collaboration among participants in its executive education program.
Connecticut’s highest court in November rejected the claims of workers seeking lost wages as a result of a 2010 explosion at a power-plant under construction.
If the construction industry is looking for its next generation of leaders, one of Dr. Mark Hasso's classes at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston would be a good place to begin the search.
As construction opportunities continue to improve throughout New England, many young professionals have advanced into leadership roles at design and construction firms.
Based on the major projects breaking ground in New England these days, construction activity is not only robust, it's occurring in a wide variety of market sectors.