Related Links: Also by Rakesh Tripathi: Casual Insults Sap Engineers' Prestige Toll roads—just those two words bring out extreme reactions. Either you hate them or you think they're the panacea for all that ails transportation. The conflict dates from the birth of the nation, and since then, the proper roles of government and private enterprise have been debated ad nauseam. Through prudent historical compromises,we have created a transportation system that is the envy of the world. In the new political world where compromise is a dirty word, I'm reminded of George Santayana's admonition that those who cannot remember the past
Engineers should not lead organizations. Engineers are rigid, politically unsophisticated, unimaginative, uncommunicative and oblivious to the big picture. They lack the needed qualities for leadership and are best suited for lower-level supporting roles. You hear these comments all the time. Had these comments been made about Rudyard Kipling wrote poem lauding engineers in 1907. an ethnic group or nationality, the comments would be condemned as stereotyping and the speaker as a bigot. But it's quite acceptable if you make remarks such as these about engineers.There is a price attached to our indifference and subtle acceptance of such derogatory comments.
Engineers should not lead organizations. Engineers are rigid, politically unsophisticated, unimaginative, uncommunicative and oblivious to the big picture. They lack the needed qualities for leadership and are best suited for lower-level supporting roles. You hear these comments all the time. Had these comments been made about an ethnic group or nationality, the comments would be condemned as stereotyping and the speaker as a bigot. But it’s quite acceptable if you make remarks such as these about engineers. Rudyard Kipling wrote poem lauding engineers in 1907. TRIPATHI There is a price attached to our indifference and subtle acceptance of such derogatory