By launching the world's first zero-carbon-energy building certification program, the International Living Future Institute, creator of the super-rigorous Living Building Challenge, is further acknowledging that building teams need to jog before they enter sustainable-building marathons.
Based on recent fire test results, mass timber groups have adjusted product certification standards to require the use of cross-laminated timber with structural adhesives tested to demonstrate better fire performance.
Jason Reigstad is on a crusade to warn about lurking danger in more than 100 parking garages, each with an underdesigned—and non-code-complaint—precast double-T slab system.
Society saves $6 for every dollar spent through federal grants funded to the private sector for damage reduction in the event of river flooding, storm surge, fire at the wildland-urban interface, and strong winds and earthquakes, says NIBS.
On Jan. 9, the American Society of Civil Engineers approved for publication its first manual of practice for performance-based structural fire engineering.