Structural engineer John V. “Jack” Christiansen, a leader in the design of thin-shell concrete structures, died on Aug. 16 on Bainbridge Island, Wash. He would have turned 90 on Sept. 28.
In 2014, when Ian Miller heard about the Construction Ready program at Westside Works in Atlanta, he thought it was a “money ploy” to get grants to support its own staff, rather than train participants for entry-level jobs.
In a more dynamic marketplace, architects, engineers and consulting firms take stock on why being acquired or staying independent best fits growth plans and culture.
California, Oregon and Washington are among the states moving forward with regulations and road maps for the construction and operation of building- and district-scale graywater capture and treatment systems for non-potable-water use, such as toilet flushing and irrigation.
A coalition of 12 architect-engineer-contractor groups in New York state hopes the third attempt since 2013 for an emergency responder protection law will be successful.