Over the six years it took to build Terminal C at Orlando International Airport, the world experienced a crippling pandemic, a precipitous drop and equally sharp rebound in passenger air travel, supply chain disruptions and other issues—all of which compounded the inherent challenges of creating a 1.8-million-sq-ft aviation facility rich in technology and amenities at one of the nation’s fastest growing airports.
Toyota’s new West Coast distribution headquarters consists of a 155,000-sq-ft post-production building, 5,200-sq-ft car wash and a 3,500-sq-ft fuel island to replace multiple existing structures.
The North Satellite Modernization Project (NSAT) renovated and greatly expanded an existing airport facility while increasing the number of aircraft gates to 20 from 12.
The team that built new seaplane facilities at Velana International Airport in the Maldives overcame pandemic travel restrictions, worker shortages and supply-chain disruptions to build the world’s largest seaplane terminal and support system.
Considering that iron ore is one of Australia’s largest sources of export revenue, it was critical to replace deteriorating dolphin wharf structures at one of Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s biggest export facilities on time.
New private container terminal expands and modernizes Israel’s second deepwater port, which dates to the early 1960s, creating a mighty gateway for a growing nation.