The 23,000-sq-ft academic facility houses the Gary Cook School of Leadership and is an exact, but slightly larger, replica of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.
The Ocean Breeze Indoor Horse Riding Arena in Staten Island, N.Y., was built through the Dept. of Parks and Recreation and the Dept. of Design and Construction (DDC) for the Helping Others Overcome Personal Handicaps therapeutic riding program that serves New York City’s disabled community.
A partial collapse in 2013 of the wood roof of a 1940s-era blimp hangar on a former Marine Corps base in Tustin, Calif., damaged an experimental airship inside, say media reports.
Replacing boilers, chillers, generators and other major elements of the medical center’s central plant was not only seamless for patients and staff, but also came in under budget and ahead of schedule with no safety incidents.
Fair Plaza Garage includes 384 parking spaces, a new 5-ft by 12-ft precast storm culvert beneath it, a new sanitary line and a generator for emergency power.