ENR New England's 2017 Best Projects
Innovation Permeates Region's Top Work

The Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., won the Best Projects award in the K-12 education category.
This year’s ENR New England Best Projects competition honors projects that used a wide range of materials and construction techniques, from the modular Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab in Boston to the mass-timber University of Massachusetts Amherst Design Building. The winning entries also include trailblazing jobs such as sea2shore: The Renewable Link, a project that interconnected the nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm to the mainland power grid in Rhode Island. Another notable project on this year’s list is the new Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. The team helped rewrite state and federal school-security guidelines in a way that was sensitive to the survivors of the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting that killed 20 first-graders and six adults. These projects are but a few examples of the 24 winners— from 29 entries—selected by the judges.
Five industry professionals, plus a safety specialist, judged projects in 15 categories. The judges considered a team’s ability to overcome challenges; the project’s contribution to the industry and community; safety; and the project’s design and construction quality.
Projects are in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. They had to be completed between May 1, 2016, and May 31, 2017. For each category, the judges could award a Best Project winner and any number of awards of merit.
This year’s Excellence in Safety Award goes to the 8-million-gallon-per-day water treatment plant in Falmouth, Mass., which reduces disinfection byproducts, removes pathogens, improves taste, reduces odor, removes algae toxins and reduces organics. The team accelerated the schedule using faster horizontal directional drilling instead of open-cut excavation for the intakes for untreated water.
The overall Project of the Year is 50 + 60 Binney Street in Cambridge. The team borrowed from integrated project delivery and Lean Construction to deliver the mixed-use development under budget and eight months early. The project’s two 10-story buildings were erected using the up-down construction method. Keep reading to learn about all of this year’s winners.
- Project of the Year/Best Office/Retail/Mixed-Use: 50 + 60 Binney Street
- Award of Merit Airport/Transit: Worcester Regional Transit Authority Vehicle Maintenance, Operations and Storage Facility
- Award of Merit Cultural/Worship: “Into the Light” – James Turrell Installation at MASS MoCA
- Best Energy/Industrial: Sea2shore: The Renewable Link
- Award of Merit Energy/Industrial: Barrett Street 16.5MW Ground Mount Solar
- Best Health Care: Hartford Hospital Bone and Joint Institute
- Best High Education/Research: Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab
- Award of Merit Higher Education/Research: University of Massachusetts Amherst-- Design Building
- Award of Merit Higher Education/Research: Harvard Business School Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
- Best Project Highways/Bridges: Route 79/I-195 Interchange Improvements
- Award of Merit Highways/Bridges: The Gut Bridge Replacement Project
- Best Project Interiors/Tenant Improvement: Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Boston Office Relocation
- Award of Merit Interior Tenant Improvement: Arup
- Best Project K-12 Education: Sandy Hook Elementary School
- Award of Merit K-12 Education: Winthrop Middle/High School
- Best Project Landscape/Urban Development: Williams College: Demolition of Sawyer Library and Construction of New Quad
- Award of Merit Manufacturing: Biologics Development Building and Clinical Manufacturing Building
- Best Project Renovation/Restoration: Old Chapel at UMass Amherst Restoration
- Award of Merit Renovation/Restoration: Boston Public Library, Central Library Renovation
- Best Project Small Project (Under $10 million): Main Street Bridge Replacement
- Award of Merit Small Project (Under $10 million): Downtown Transit Center
- Award of Merit Sports/Entertainment: University of New Hampshire Wildcat Stadium
- Best Project Water/Environment: Construction of an 8 Million mgd Water Treatment Plant
- Award of Merit Water/Environment: Meriden Green